It ALL Starts Somewhere ❤

The start of a new month...or new anything (as you will see in my first picture included with this post πŸ‘ΆπŸ˜ŠπŸ₯°) is my absolute favorite, truly. It’s the perfect time to hit the reset button on life (or anything...not to be too vague) and focus my goals for the month to come. It is like setting a bright mindset, which I certainly could do better at in my own personal opinion. That is why I am grateful that I am setting these goals, or rather, writing this post right at the start of the LDS General Conference April 2022, when revelation from God, our Father who loves each of us (no matter if it seems like it or not) is brought to the world during the time which He intends us each to receive. What better time is there to block for goal setting? 
1) Pray more: I know that this simple act should be easy, considering the things that are occurring in my life currently (❤πŸ‘Ά) and the habit should have been sustained years ago...considering the amount of years I have known of the possibility of this blessing; although I admit that some nights I fall into a snooze on the bed without a second thought or I think much too quickly in the morning about the things that may happen in my life that day. I know, lame. That is why I promise to sustain this habit once more, because I notice that if I do this, I lead a happier life. There are indeed different sectors of this goal too, not to say that I am aiming to do something such as jump into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim.. before I get too far carried away, think of this like the scripture Moroni 19: 4-"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort that ye would ask of God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost." In other words, I shouldn't be lazy with my prayers, because of the possibility of power which they hold. I also need to offer my prayers in faith, no matter how often I may receive an answer contrary to the one that I would have preferred or was expecting. 
2) Keep in touch with family: Strong family ties and supportive friends can indeed help you deal with the stresses of life. Just yesterday, my husband, Michael made me feel better and less stressed with an ice cream trip after a day that just seemed to take too long to pass and like no one was there. He reminded me that he would always be there. This reminder caused me to wake up, in a way. People like this can make you feel included and cared for. Family. They can offer sweet perspective and comforting comfort. Keep options open, honestly, but looking at this coming month and how my birthday is in it, my family will be coming just before it (not by reason of myself, but I am going to take advantage of it πŸ™‚). Also, looking at how my Relief Society president recently dropped by to give me a ministering interview, I realized that no one should feel or expect to be neglected when they have a ward family! Just a thought, for people that aren't anticipating a birthday this month or a family visit. 
3) Move to a plant-based diet: Now before you think that this idea is crazy (I've always been more of a carnivore...just ask my husband), I have researched and found the following: One of thhe most pivotal steps you can take to improve your health, boost energy levels, and prevent chronic diseases is to move to a plant-based diet. I know crazy, right, but think about it, there are many diseases carried by animals brought into your body by consumption. Not to mock, but better safe than sorry. There’s scientific evidence in fact that many chronic diseases can be prevented, controlled, or even reversed with a whole-food, plant-based diet, looking deeper into research. Scientific research highlights that a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and other major illnesses. Also many people also report bigger fitness payoffs, more energy, reduced inflammation, and better health outcomes after making the switch, seeing that and the life now within me, I think a plant-based diet is worth a shot. 
4) Run (or walk πŸ˜‹πŸ€·‍♀️) a half-marathon: Let me clarify this one. I am a trooper, I am just concerned...go deeper? Okay. I have always enjoyed walking and I like to challenge myself, perhaps someday I will be able to go the length of a complete marathon (you never know!). I enjoy living the healthy life and I know that if I continue thus, though it may be difficult, the benefit will still be visible. Yes, I am a trooper, but that is not always a good thing, let me elaborate. Walking is good exercise, especially while I am listening to some music on my Playlist, to be sure that I am walking as quickly as possible, but I am handicapped. That is why I doubt that I will ever be able to run again, no matter how much I wish I could grasp that necessary ability (it is more necessary than any of you runners think!) (TRUTH!!). Also, I am unsure whether this is part of the handicapped issue or not, but I only too commonly will catch my foot on a little lift in the sidewalk which I failed to see and have to pick myself up with either a bloody hand, nose, or entire face. I remember my first trip occured several years ago when I was walking my old dog, Bandit, to the park. Luckily, he couldn't tell that I fell, so he stayed back witb me, but my wrist now had a scrape on it from attempting to catch myself. I remember a little better my second fall (not just because it happened more recently). I stumbled over a lilt in the sidewalk while I was trying to get out of the way of someone walking the opposite direction of me, and I broke my nose. I could feel the blood running down my face immediately and had to rush home immediately where I fell down on the couch in pain and had to be driven to the hospital right away, because all could tell that I broke something (although we didn't assume the cartilage on my bloody nose...the concern lay with my already injured right arm) (knock on wood!). Needless to say, they know my face at the hospital because of my car accident, and little tumbles such as these ones. I really don't want to fall down and break or even scrape something again, and I have reason this time of the child that I shall deliver either late August or early September (I hope) by assumption, so if you need a friend to walk with and happen to live near to me, I would love to join you! Feel free to contact me. ☺️ Thank you. 


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