
Savory Sweets

I went on my tiptoes and took a deep breath in through my nose. Ahhh…I loved everything when it came to this time of year, though nothing could really compare when it came to my feelings for this hybrid species, a cross between both water mint and spearmint. It was sweet. It was indigenous to Europe and the Middle East (two places I would in all likelihood never have the chance to visit in my life, and anyway, even though this unique species did have its start in those places in specific, through the years, it had now been cultivated and spread out to all regions of the world.) In fact it was even found in the reclusive sections of the wild with other species, including its parent one. It was small, usually patterned in small red and white stripes, had a preemptive scent to it that seemed to tickle my whole body starting at my trembling toes in anticipation of it and reaching into some of my deepest, most memorable memories. (It is weird how touching some things can be to the slightest

What I just read...

I just finished the first book in "The Kingdom and the Crown" series by Gerald N. Lund yesterday (Easter). It is called "Fishers of Men" and it was amazing!  They should really make it into a movie . 

Negatively New

Of all the villians (it feels wrong to compliement them as good...but if I had a word, that would be it, I'm sorry to say) that Disney has shown a representation of, I find Gaston to be truly the most terrifying villian because he really could be representing ANYONE in the world. Later on from this dreadful scene, he convinces (and is eager) the whole town to set up his wedding with full knowlege that the would-be bride would have to be thrown into it. Everyone also finds his creepy tactics as cute and pushing all negative thoughts aside with the slogan of "boys will be boys." Ewww...Gross! So, if you don't see it yet, he makes a pretty terrifying character. So, you see, the true terror of this story of "Beauty and the Beast" isn't that Gaston exists, but that all the background characters that represent plain society freaking (plus ignorantly) love him! What is the world truly coming to? Really?? People who plainly deride this flick by saying that i

Our Little Miracle is Here ❤️

Introducing Nathaniel Anthony Duran! (As of August 31, 2022 😁)

Pioneer Day

Seeing that it is Pioneer Day, as I speak, I would like each of us to reflect on this question: Do you, like the pioneers, have the courage and the consistency to be true to the faith and endure to the end? For many months (I like to think our whole lives, though if you are like me, you could always use a review) each of us has studied the lives and accomplishments of our pioneers, early and modern. If lucky, we have even done some modern reenactments, I compliment you if you have done so. I personally am reminded of a little act or play that my family put on of one member of my heritage that showed us through study how to work hard. Despite what we have today through our simple grocery stores, he had to learn the art and trade of hunting, because, without it, his family would have nothing to eat that night which was never wanted. Now after all these studies and observations (sometimes with the distracting note of pure fun), it is appropriate to ask ourselves, “Therefore, what?” Ar

Everybody Deserves a Massage

I can't believe that it is July, let alone a week into it already (pretty much...)! Seeing that I celebrated my very first yearly anniversary with my husband, Michael early last month (June), it gave me a whole year to look back on with him at least, and notice how far we had made it since the day that we first accepted each other as husband and wife. Trust me, we have made it leaps and bounds! I am now pregnant, mere months away from my due date. If that doesn't suffice for the both of us enough, how close Michael is to graduating from BYU-I with the most stellar grades I have ever seen (I hope that our son inherits that can-do spirit from him, at least with how we both influence him) and enrolling into a Medical School to study to become a certified doctor...I'm ecstatic (for both of us, mainly him because I support him in whatever he does)! My can-do, go-to spirit, personality, and goals still aid me greatly so in realizing that it has been some time since I have made on

A Girl Worth Fighting For

Not to introduce you all to the dark parts of my mind (the parts that I think that nobody wants to see or explore), but everything does have a deeper meaning, even if it initially was used to entertain children (not initially initially...not to get too ahead of myself) (I study too much if that is even possible). What I am talking about here is wherein the recently seen, or rewatched movie Mulan   (the original animated Disney one, that was better in my opinion), the members of the troop each sang about their dreams of finding " A girl worth fighting for" and their own fantasy being a girl of romance. Still, the song abruptly comes to a freeze (or rather a gasp of dismay) once they genuinely find that a girl really worth fighting for happens to be vastly different.  This small, yet pivotal character happens to be a tiny girl who has been killed due to the hands of the Huns. I cannot even say how much this cruel act startles me, or how much it breaks my heart that there are ac