The Relentless Butterfly

If no one has greeted you such as this, please let me be the first, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I also happen to know that I am certainly not alone when I make the wish that 2022 is better than 2021 was in several aspects (personally, I am still processing 2020). I have felt the world turn upside down more than a few times. From the deadly pandemic to the several protests to even the repercussions of the stock market crash that occurred in 2020 (am I saying that correctly??), one might look at this year, and the happenings of it and first off suppose that it was the year from hell. Yes, sometimes life just plain stinks in more than one way definitely (I just don't know if I have the time or battery to elaborate every exact way...), but I always prefer to peer at the things that happen in my life with an eye of optimism, no matter how difficult that may seem at times. Let's see, though all the bad things happened this year, plenty of good (even if it was just a butterfly insurmountable surviving through the worst of trials) happened also. Take for one, that I married the love of my life just this last June, and so far we are starting off our lives together with fantastic success and other words, we still love each other! That great blessing definitely helped to carry me through some personal trials, and still does, and will continue to do so forever. That is why I look at things like this recent quote made by Betty White (who died recently, just shy of her 100th birthday, though I know that messages like this one will carry on surely (thank you social media, like Twitter!), and am reminded that bad things happen to us all not just so that we may be knocked down, so that we may rise out on the other side even stronger, like the relentless butterfly!

1) Drink  More Water!!

It is time to admit it, I will always be a sucker for hot cocoa, and I excuse myself with goals like this one, whilst drinking it because I use hot water to make it...and while that is considered hydration, I still feel bad because of it. Everyone could always use more water than they currently drink...or consume (whatever) but that could just be me excusing myself again. That is why I am creating this forward goal of drinking water, or drinking water more often. I also know in my charitable heart that not enough water is given to several children in need each year; my heart does indeed bleed for those people. So in a forward movement, I must be sure that none of my safe, clean, drinking (or washing, now that I think about it) water ever goes to waste. In summation, clean water, no matter how we use or consume t, is what keeps us all healthy. I need to put the hot chocolate/Idaho is a freezing place excuse away. I'm better than that and I know it. Water is a normal part or should be a normal part of people's lives every day, and I must not ignore that...none of us should (just saying, not excusing myself). Getting a simple glass of water, or drinking your water's bounty, is giving an intentional gift to the future, when I, you, we all think about it. DRINK ON!!! (Water, that is.)

2) Develop more confidence. (Helps me to get ahead in work.)-In case you don't know, one of my main aspirations (though I am nowhere near it currently, I would say, as a simple Dollar Store Cashier-everyone has to start somewhere and I'm good at talking to and with customers) in my life is to become a teacher. In order to gain such a career, I would estimate that great confidence, or courage is rather a necessity. I don't shy away from that fact, I can't. We all need the quality of confidence to get anywhere in our life. Believe it or not, before I was a cashier at Dollar Tree (I guess I'll call it by its actual name now), I was working on just stocking and organizing the shelves at DI (Deseret Industries), being employed there while I was looking for a job, and developing more confidence...though not enough I believe, because I am still working in retail, and not teaching in a school, or maybe my home (like personal music lessons--just spitballing), which is one of my ultimate dreams that I must learn how to confidently approach if I can. Also, not selling myself short or tooting my horn, saying that I have already achieved this goal, I recently applied for a substitute teaching job for a Seminary&Institute over here in Rexburg, and though this job isn't being the main teacher (as I dream of doing with any subject...preferably English, or anything that isn't math) (can't help it), I recently received a call from the place where I applied where a kind woman told me that I was still in the running for that job, and I may receive it. Fingers crossed!!!!

3) Read the Old Testament (and Come Follow Me) daily- 

Okay, okay, I admit that I have already gotten a bit of a head start on this one...but in my defense, I do love reading my scriptures daily (we have them for a reason) and I enjoy reading with a little--say, a mental chart that Come Follow Me gives, and that chart began at the end of December, right after Christmas...I think (it has been a few days and I have not the best memory, please forgive me!); I organize my life by charts, schedules, and calendars, so it just made sense! (I also need to redeem myself for last year too, I believe, because I didn't do my best at reading and finishing the Doctrine & Covenants (hey! I'm only human, I got married, and that book of scripture is difficult for me to that's an excuse). Sorry, before I make myself feel even worse on that note, let me draw to something else pertaining to the first book (or collection of books) found in the Bible. I would say that I have already started it already by almost anyone's definition, but not everyone's, since I started, or am starting with reading what is found in The Pearl of Great Price and while some may know what that is, not everyone does, so let my elaborate, The Pearl of Great Price is one of the books of scripture found in my church's standard works. It includes extracts from Joseph Smith's inspired translation of the Bible, as well as some Egyptian papyri, which is where we get the book of Abraham (where I am in reading it right now), it also includes parts of Joseph Smith's faith and history, and the Articles of Faith. Also, if you would like some elaboration on my elaboration, or why I included it, I was speaking (or massaging) someone of a different faith of Facebook and while he understood that I was quoting something, when I told him that I was saying something found in the book of Moses, he got confused, because he didn't know what the Pearl of Great Price was. It is basically the Bible...just with more elaboration. 

4) Set aside more time for free reading.-In order to state this goal, I must admit part of my shame...if you know me, you probably know that I am a bookworm and if you are able to find me with anything (if it isn't my dear Michael's hand) it is a book, but since I have moved up here to Idaho, it is fair to say that I have lagged in the reading department. I have a busy life, and while that is not a bad thing, it had caused me to forget, or push aside that reading is one of my favorite things to do!! And for that, I am very ashamed...that is why I set this goal. Also, in the yearly (or monthly, but what have you??) resolutions, I included a list I personally made of 26 books (A-Z--get it?) that I plan to read before 2022 if it kills me! Reading is fun, I just need aid in remembering that precious fact. (Also, if you want to look at my 2022 book list, you can message me on Facebook, Instagram, or wherever you found this and I would be happy to share it with you!)

5) Make my bed every morning.-Now, before I receive any side comments on this one, I do try to make my bed every morning, but I either have to go to work soon, my husband is still asleep, or I do so very sloppily. I need to change that, I need to do more than just flimsily throw the sheet on the bed, I need to drop a penny and it bounces (I have a penny collection, so I can do this). Not wanting to seem monotonous, here is a quick little list of why this goal is a good idea and habit that I shall sustain this January:

-Feeling of accomplishment

-Sense of calm

-Better organization

-More peaceful sleep

-Less stress


-Improved focus

So I guess it is a relentless butterfly and a faithful (and relentless) turtle with this picture!!


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