Personal Goals for 2025
Hey, I would just like to clarify if your a long time, my blog reader that I still stand highly in favor of goal-setting and being goal-oriented (particularly SMART goals) it is just that I have been busy (I am doing fine, that is just a fact), so here is a cookie-cutter list of my goals for the new year, seeing that it is the new year in a couple of hours (I go to sleep early and there is nothing wrong with that, it's not like it is going to be a different year tomorrow because I do, lol)... 1) Start a daily journaling practice 2) Unplug from your phone more--only use it for calling/communicating with others! 3) Make those doctor appointments (or regular meetings with a counselor, to be specific in my case) (...but not regular enough to be expensive) 4) More time with friends and family--don't be afraid to make it! 5) Drink more water (SERIOUSLY! (I am already flunking on this one, though if you really look at it, it isn't the new year yet)) 6) Choose fresh and heal...