Savory Sweets
I went on my tiptoes and took a deep breath in through my nose. Ahhh…I loved everything when it came to this time of year, though nothing could really compare when it came to my feelings for this hybrid species, a cross between both water mint and spearmint. It was sweet. It was indigenous to Europe and the Middle East (two places I would in all likelihood never have the chance to visit in my life, and anyway, even though this unique species did have its start in those places in specific, through the years, it had now been cultivated and spread out to all regions of the world.) In fact it was even found in the reclusive sections of the wild with other species, including its parent one. It was small, usually patterned in small red and white stripes, had a preemptive scent to it that seemed to tickle my whole body starting at my trembling toes in anticipation of it and reaching into some of my deepest, most memorable memories. (It is weird how touching some things can be to the slightest...