
Showing posts from February, 2022

How to (Hopefully) Not be too Late

Hey there everybody! In case someone has not yet said it to you, happy February!! 💗 And because I haven't yet posted about my goals, or resolutions yet this year, I personally apologize. Sometimes it is difficult for me to get a running start...seriously, like you wouldn't believe (in more than just my little limp...that my darling husband says he barely notices anymore! Guess those years and years of therapy are finally working...Thank you!), so even though I am having a bit of a prolonged leap in my start to goals this 2022, I still believe that it has the potential to be a fantastic year. Life is what you make of it, or rather, my life is what I choose to make of it (insert your own name in the sentence, because I know that no one has anyone to blame but themselves truly in the scheme of their own personal life). Sorry not sorry! Let's get this started (no matter it is a bit late or not) this 2022. Happy New Year (I know, I know...I'm really guilty, please be forgiv